We invite you to search through our Matzevah Database using the following search and sort options. Scroll to the bottom of the page for more instructions and search tips.* VIEW PHOTOS OF THE MATZEVAHS If you have any additional information about a record in our database, please send it to us through our Contact Form.
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Private IDnumberfullnameFather / MotherSpouseHebrew DateHebrew YearGregorian Year
DHEJE 1 Sarah Gertner, Menachem 9 Av 5700 1940
QW1NB 2 Gittel Eliezer 21 Shevat 5695 1935
SG5M3 3 Shaindel Frimet Aaron Arye 22 Adar 5697 1937
34JIQ 4 Eziel Shaul Ze’ev 23 Teves 5701 1941
ZMPAZ 5 Abraham Jacob Shlomo 23 Elul 5665 1905
4MIGM 6 Yitzchok Moshe hakohen Betzalel hakohen 7 Cheshvon 5664 1904
170ZD 7 Yehuda Leib Israel 10 Nissan 5652 1892
HQ4O3 8 Mordechai 20 Adar 2 0
YBQPF 9 Abraham Yitzchok Gershon 7 Nissen 5662 1902
DGJJ5 10 Menachem Joseph 15 Elul 0
SSFOD 11 Yehuda Pinchas Abraham Erev Rosh Chodesh Teves 5663 1903
B7LB5 12 Chaim Gedalia Moshe 6 Av 5663 1903
H40T4 13 Tzvi Gartner, Menachem Mendel Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5666 1906
MY6OL 14 Mordechai halevi Moshe halevi 28 Av 5669 1909
SHS2L 15 Yuda hakohen Yeshaya hakohen 17 Elul 5674 1914
36TAN 16 Jacob Abraham Eber 24 Adar 5674 1914
2KVR9 17 Yitzchok Isaac Abraham 14 Adar 1 5680 1920
9OXH8 18 Abraham Aaron Shimon 19 Shevat 5691 1931
QMQ0G 19 Jacob Welles, Eliezer 8 Sivan 5684 1924
551GJ 20 Meir Samuel David 1 Pesach 5694 1934
7ZX1B 21 Elya Bergman, Yitzchok 22 Elul 5697 1937
CDMPZ 22 Moshe Kanizhai, Joseph 7 Teves 5691 1931
MA1A7 23 Esther Shlomo Zalman 21 Sivan 5702 1942
LVKEX 24 Sarah Fraida Shimon 18 Shevat 5701 1941
YCP79 25 Gittel Menachem 4 Shevat 5701 1941
69SPV 26 Esther Shlomo 27 Shevat 5700 1940
4H90Z 27 Sara Liba Joseph 7 Shevat 5700 1940
JWJJ3 28 Hendel Miriam Shlomo 7 Shevat 5700 1940
25GUQ 29 Chaya Frimet Tzvi hakohen 24 Tishrei 5701 1941
YQYN1 30 Bina Tzvi 26 Nissan 5702 1942
7M0QH 31 Sarah Sheva Joseph 16 Shevat 5701 1941
CIVH4 32 Breindel Wallerstein, Naftuli Hertz 13 Teves 5700 1940
Z6HNV 33 Rochma Nathan Nata Efraim Eliezer halevi 18 Cheshvon 5703 1943
T0ZM1 34 Dinah Tzvi halevi 23 Shevat 5705 1945
EPYQ9 35 Rivka Elya Spatz, Shmarya 29 Cheshvon 5702 1942
QSBY2 36 Chaya Shaindel Joseph Eliezer Gross 20 Adar 5718 1958
6R5WP 37 Chaim Joseph 20 Kislev 5701 1941
HTOZZ 38 Joseph Meir Pinchas 17 Iyar 5700 1940
EFPTU 39 Yekusiel Zalman Moshe 11 Kislev 5697 1937
WBHK5 40 Pinchas Arye 22 Av 5699 1939
2T4T7 41 Yeshaya Tzvi Spira Yitzchak Isaac Spira/Tema Spira (nee Fischman) Sara Spira (nee Altman) 24 Adar 1 5700 1940
QXYJC 42 Menashe Yechezkel Aaron 21 Sivan 5701 1941
67WDW 43 Binyamin Joel halevi Naftuli halevi 1 Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5700 1940
IX6XQ 44 Alexander Yuda Arye 25 Sivan 5701 1941
HEJ5K 45 Shlomo Yehuda Israel Abraham 20 Av 5701 1941
PT6NB 46 Moshe Yitzchok hakohen David hakohen 14 Iyar 5702 1942
CV7XS 47 Israel Dov Levi 22 Elul 5702 1942
OTC6P 48 Chana Katz, Samuel 29 Tammuz 5700 1940
M7G5Z 49 Mirel Aaron 12 Elul 5699 1939
7Z8KE 50 Temma Abraham Jacob 20 Shevat 5700 1940
YN8OH 51 Mattel Arye hakohen 29 Iyar 5700 1940
E4463 52 Liba Akiva 26 Tammuz 5700 1940
80S9D 53 Breindel Abraham Edelman 7 Tishrei 5700 1940
0OAP2 54 Perel Chuna 25 Shevat 5699 1939
39IPR 55 Israel Elya Simcha 8 Adar 2 5695 1935
4VMJL 56 Samuel Jacob Yitzchok 1 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5702 1942
RTCRY 57 Yitzchok Rafael 28 Cheshvon 5696 1936
IB27S 58 Gedalia Abraham 23 Adar 5691 1931
9KKVY 59 Israel Meir Baruch Joseph 2 Nissan 5694 1934
O6XJT 60 Yitzchok Chaim 16 Adar 5694 1934
VQNW5 61 Shimon Joseph Arye 22 Teves 5691 1931
HVOMF 62 Yeshaya Arye 28 Tammuz 5697 1937
L2CQZ 63 Michoel Arye Ze’ev 14 Av 5699 1939
8GA8F 64 Moshe Abraham Jacob 8 Tishrei 5693 1933
Z99OF 65 Meir Abraham 21 Av 5694 1934
Y3KEQ 66 Moshe Joseph 6 Av 5696 1936
3BZRK 67 0
S9QHN 68 Matisyahu Taub, Yehuda Arye 13 Av 5703 1943
H9BQ5 69 Tzvi k"tz Altman, Abraham Moshe 3 Shevat 5709 1949
804E1 70 Chaya Sarah Abraham Moshe hakohen Spira, Meir 17 Shevat 5750 1990
5L6B3 71 Yitzchok Singer, Yechezkel 16 Cheshvon 5720 1960
NOHNX 72 Joseph Chaim halevi Shaul halevi 6 Tishrei 5707 1947
MROCX 73 Dov Berish Joseph 2 Iyar 5702 1942
JDDY6 74 Chaim Berglaz, Dov 9 Nissan 5704 1944
HA82T 75 Moshe Chaim Steiner, Yehuda Tzvi 19 Tishrei 5702 1942
RIVLE 76 Chaim Aaron k"tz Katz, Baruch 16 Adar 5701 1941
LKQNK 77 David Asher 5 Tammuz 5700 1940
SUNW6 78 Shalom Menachem? 8 Nissan 5696 1936
31HS4 79 Pesach David Joseph, [Miller] 26 Elul 5697 1937
BHMFV 80 Eziel Meisels, Naftuli Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5700 1940
1HZ7O 81 Eliezer Elimelech 7 Elul 5701 1941
ZXVKH 82 Menashe Yechezkel Joshua, 26 Tishrei 5701 1941
628IT 83 David Tzvi Yehuda 3 Nissan 5701 1941
BZZGS 84 Yitzchok Binyamin 2 Sukkos 5702 1942
X56PG 85 Binyamin Baruch 4 Iyar 5700 1940
8SQ13 86 Jacob David 27 Sivan 5699 1939
P4S0R 87 Joseph Chaim Tzvi 18 Tammuz 5698 1938
XMNP9 88 Moshe David Naftuli Tzvi 24 Kislev 5700 1940
STTS5 89 Aaron David Tzvi 7 Elul 5697 1937
7OA2A 90 Jacob Moshe, [Weiss] 17 Kislev 5696 1936
NAMWA 91 Efraim Eliezer halevi Rafael halevi 20 Cheshvon 5697 1937
854ZS 92 Moshe halevi Efraim Eliezer halevi 4 Shevat 5696 1936
M0I61 93 Samuel David Shlomo Yehuda 25 Adar 2 5695 1935
FKJ8P 94 Moshe Abraham Chaim,[Schoenfeld] 5695 1935
C2CHB 95 Abraham Nathan Nata Meisels Rosenwasser, Eziel 2 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvon 5702 1942
VJRD4 96 Binyamin Ze'ev Yehuda,[Schiff] 15 Shevat 5698 1938
T8B2J 97 Mordechai Menashe 9 Adar 5701 1941
BYMTY 98 Moshe Tzvi Ze’ev Purim 5701 1941
LYEWC 99 Menachem Binyamin Jacob Yitzchok 12 Elul 5689 1929
BE3TF 100 Moshe David Aaron 9 Teves 5701 1941
*The information about graves that is posted on our website reflects the information that exists on the tombstones. Many of the tombstones have just first names and on some, unfortunately, the writing was completely erased before we started the renovation and documenting process. The purpose of the search engine is to make it easier for people searching for information about their ancestors, as previously one could only look at the photos one by one and try to see if any of their ancestors is buried there.


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  • You may sort all records, or only those within your current search, by choosing one of the sort options and either “ascending” or “descending”.
  • To view an image of the Matzevah, visit the Matzevah Gallery and choose the correct section of Matzevah numbers from the navigation bar above the photos. Alternatively, you may enter the grave number, name, date or year in the search bar below. Press enter on your keyboard and the search will show all pages of the Matzevah gallery containing those search terms.
NOTE: This Database was formerly referred to as the Gravemarker Database and contains all the same information.

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