We invite you to search through our Matzevah Database using the following search and sort options. Scroll to the bottom of the page for more instructions and search tips.* VIEW PHOTOS OF THE MATZEVAHS If you have any additional information about a record in our database, please send it to us through our Contact Form.
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Private IDnumberfullnameFather / MotherSpouseHebrew DateHebrew YearGregorian Year
GOUA9 1098 0
R6GOI 1099 Yitzchok k"tz Katz, Shlomo 12 Kislev 5605 1845
GI2CN 1100 Chaim Yehuda Leib Jacob Joseph 0
38H9N 1101 Israel Yitzchok Menachem? 14 Adar 2 0
Z158W 1102 Tzvi Ze'ev Menachem 15 Iyar 5628 1868
5Y6R8 1103 Yekusiel 5617 1857
9VCKF 1104 5618 1858
6ETAB 1105 Eliezer Shlomo Ichel 9 Sivan 5616 1856
3VFR0 1106 0
WZHQX 1107 0
BPONL 1108 5591 1831
50L9G 1109 Mordechai Moshe 27 Elul 5604 1844
X7MUR 1110 Samuel Yehuda 18 Kislev 5604 1844
6CMQQ 1111 Samuel Shmarya sg"l Moshe sg!l Tishrei 5589 1829
8LXKJ 1112 0
R4FJQ 1113 Binyamin Yehuda Leib 28 Tishrei 5571 1811
BC49U 1114 Yechiel Tzvi Hersh 28 Teves 5570 1810
0Y0P4 1115 Moshe Tzvi 5 Teves 5565 1805
N6WKY 1116 Raitza Yehuda Leib 20 Adar 1 5689 1929
E5Z67 1117 0
D3TVW 1118 0
T5QM5 1119 0
H19HG 1120 Malka Mordechai 32 Omer 5632 1872
IJW17 1121 Zussman Yitzchok Isaac 26 Kislev 5578 1818
VV8K7 1122 Yitzchok Isaac Moshe 0
K6Z5Y 1123 Abraham Jacob Klonimus Shlomo 22 Shevat 5580 1820
VL3A0 1124 0
XTRR1 1125 Yona? 0
7YDAA 1126 Joseph Shevat 5563
74WES 1127 0
6G293 1128 Shaul Samuel 3 Cheshvon 5620 1860
JAOS5 1129 Eziel Joseph Yoski 27 Iyar 5618 1858
E1FMA 1130 Mordechai sg"l Menachem sg!l 5619 1859
Q78MD 1131 Shalom Tzvi Yehuda 21 Nissan 5621 1861
8PSNW 1132 Joseph Yaska Meisels, Abraham Nathan Nata Adar 1 0
GVGQY 1133 0
AV30O 1134 0
D2KDG 1135 Elya Jacob 2 Sukkos 5611 1851
NGHFW 1136 Menachem Manli Yeshayahu Moshe 7 5610 1850
UH5GE 1137 Jacob Samuel 5609 1849
9VRB2 1138 0
PJGWP 1139 0
DLOAV 1140 Shlomo Yissocher 30 Cheshvon 5603 1843
RDV4X 1141 Yehuda Yudel Chaim 7 Adar 5598 1838
64VQQ 1142 559 -3201
5OELF 1143 0
A5LOB 1144 Rivka Hudes Yehuda Leib 16 Cheshvon 5608 1848
K4TJL 1145 Mattel Nathan 21 Sivan 0
OYS3F 1146 Glukel Nathan 23 Av 5591 1831
8SG08 1147 0
ZM625 1148 Joseph Nathan? 14 Adar 5563 1803
55W3B 1149 0
44S0F 1150 Shlomo Yechiel Ichel Nathan Erev Rosh Chodesh Shevat 5589 1829
VASOL 1151 0
WMK8R 1152 Eliezer Baruch 1 Rosh Chodesh Teves 0
WH15V 1153 David sg"l Nathan sg!l 23 Cheshvon 5575 1815
D8GMQ 1154 Abish Chaim Samuel 0
RQOPT 1155 Rafael Yechezkel halevi Moshe halevi 5 Tammuz 5582 1822
XPLXY 1156 Adar 0
YQYW4 1157 Israel k"tz Katz, Yissocher 26 Av 5591 1831
IX2V3 1158 Samuel David Shaul Teves 0
DFFCV 1159 Jacob Dov 10 Omer 0
4SXHI 1160 Yeshaya Moshe Mordechai 10 Cheshvon 5621 1861
VU7X1 1161 Reuven Joseph Abraham Shmini Atzeres 5614 1854
TZTNI 1162 0
1CWZ3 1163 Klonimus Av 5624 1864
RNQ9K 1164 Nathan Eliezer 28 Kislev 5625 1865
Z7GHI 1165 0
G8YWI 1166 Sprintza Jacob Simcha Rafael halevi 2 Cheshvon 5601 1841
6VD4K 1167 Eliezer Binyamin 7 Adar 5625 1865
YT1HK 1168 0
E7ITX 1169 Jacob sg"l Mordechai sg!l 13? Av 5613 1853
Z8J1X 1170 Samuel sg"l Zalman sg!l 12 Teves 5593 1833
Y63Z1 1171 Ze’ev 5591 1831
ML7CO 1172 Eliezer Jacob 29 Elul 5590 1830
KWQ85 1173 Pinchas Eliezer 4 Kislev 5627 1867
KLJ7A 1174 Tzvi Israel 9 Cheshvon 5588 1828
6UK59 1175 Tzvi halevi 8 Adar 5610 1850
6ZPAL 1176 0
SL96E 1177 Moshe Shlomo 4 Tammuz 5612 1852
NVTRB 1178 Sh Rosh Chodesh Shevat 0
NOCBE 1179 Chana Esther Shlomo Ichel 27 Kislev 5617
4YHO1 1180 Silka Abraham 3 Iyar 5613 1853
5YTB6 1181 Raizel Jacob 10 Cheshvon 5610 1850
8H71O 1182 Shifra Samuel 25 Av 5611 1851
K8RVF 1183 Rachel Baruch 27 Teves 5611 1851
K26D8 1184 Rivka Shlomo Ichel 24 Nissan 5607 1847
BUN3A 1185 13 0
ZJ76M 1186 0
M8J09 1187 0
X7I93 1188 Shlomo Eliezer Yehuda 12 Nissan 5637 1877
GNS0A 1189 Abraham Shlomo 24 Cheshvon 5597 1837
I6TQJ 1190 Tzurtel Tzvi 24 Av 5692 1932
KVBV1 1191 Esther Rivka Nesanel 2 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5602 1842
D0DH2 1192 Rachel Samuel Shmarya sg!l 19 Av 5591 1831
3YAJL 1193 Shlomo sg"l Samuel Shmarya sg!l Shavua shel Pesach 5581 1821
YEF6V 1194 Tzvi Hirsh Abraham Abish 28 Nissan 5587 1827
52ZQK 1195 Chaya Abraham Abish 16 Teves 5587 1827
T6AEZ 1196 Yentel Shimon 6 Adar 1 5585 1825
UNYOK 1197 0
*The information about graves that is posted on our website reflects the information that exists on the tombstones. Many of the tombstones have just first names and on some, unfortunately, the writing was completely erased before we started the renovation and documenting process. The purpose of the search engine is to make it easier for people searching for information about their ancestors, as previously one could only look at the photos one by one and try to see if any of their ancestors is buried there.


  • You may search any database field, using any portion of the information you know.  For example, if you only know that your descendant’s first name was “Jacob”, you may enter it into the “search” box, and select “Fullname” from the dropdown.  The search will then show you all records where “Jacob” is found within the name.
  • You may sort all records, or only those within your current search, by choosing one of the sort options and either “ascending” or “descending”.
  • To view an image of the Matzevah, visit the Matzevah Gallery and choose the correct section of Matzevah numbers from the navigation bar above the photos. Alternatively, you may enter the grave number, name, date or year in the search bar below. Press enter on your keyboard and the search will show all pages of the Matzevah gallery containing those search terms.
NOTE: This Database was formerly referred to as the Gravemarker Database and contains all the same information.

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