We invite you to search through our Matzevah Database using the following search and sort options. Scroll to the bottom of the page for more instructions and search tips.* VIEW PHOTOS OF THE MATZEVAHS If you have any additional information about a record in our database, please send it to us through our Contact Form.
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Private IDnumberfullnameFather / MotherSpouseHebrew DateHebrew YearGregorian Year
S57KR 401 Joseph Eliyahu Yitzchok 15 Sivan 5660 1900
ELSJP 402 Klonimus Chaim Tzvi 33 Baomer 5661 1901
D1BM1 403 Moshe Ze'ev Yitzchok Abraham 11 Adar 2 5662 1902
01IRG 404 Asher Zelig Tzvi 4 Nissan 5661 1901
1EZ11 405 Joseph David 9 Nissan 5660 1900
ELKAD 406 Shlomo Tzvi Yitzchok / Rachel 2 Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 5673 1913
2NM70 407 Meir Nathan Yehuda 25 Teves 5693 1933
P5FL4 408 Aaron Jacob Yehuda 10 Adar 2 5673 1913
Y7LDK 409 Pinchas Jacob Yehuda Erev Yom Kippor 5674 1914
SAK73 410 Yehuda Leibish Yitzchok 20 Tammuz 5674 1914
K8WJN 411 Yitzchok Chaim Iyar 5677 1917
F07UF 412 Shimon Abraham 15 Adar 5678 1918
XI3P4 413 Yitzchok Chaim 8 Elul 5686 1926
MR3V3 414 Chaim Joseph 2 Elul 5689 1929
VHOLG 415 Chaim Elya Yitzchok 3 Shevat 5690 1930
461ER 416 Chaim Abraham halevi Moshe halevi 8 Sivan 5692 1932
GTLD0 417 Yehuda Arye Moshe Tzvi 4 Teves 5693 1933
PCKRD 418 Eliezer Shlomo Zalman 6 Elul 5692 1932
J506L 419 Moshe Ze'ev Yitzchok 25 Sivan 5692 1932
31RJS 420 Eliezer Yitzchok 5691 1931
MIEL0 421 Jacob Dov Moshe Pinchas 20 Shevat 5691 1931
VJ21E 422 Peretz Joshua 9 Nissan 5694 1934
C4H5K 423 Sarah Moshe 2 Rosh Chodesh Elul 5697 1937
CQFIT 424 Fraida Dov Aaron 25 Shevat 5676
4WYW9 425 0
R0NVN 426 Sarah Eliezer Nathan Nata 19 Teves 5682 1922
MTZNV 427 Shaindel Joseph Yehuda Yitzchok Meir 19 Teves 5681 1921
ROND5 428 Sarah Rivka Shaul Binyamin Ze’ev 17 Elul 5691 1931
MGHJ4 429 Chaya Samuel David 8 Sivan 5683 1923
WO1O4 430 Liba Tzirel Menachem Joseph 14 Elul 5683 1923
7V4QI 431 Miriam Leah Menachem Eliezer hakohen Achron shel Pesach 5684 1924
3F86J 432 Mirel Moshe David sg!l Naftuli Tzvi 20 Teves 5683 1923
TR7I1 433 Risha Frankel, Baruch 19 Av 5685 1925
9V2JF 434 Mindel Chaim Abraham 2 Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5686 1926
Y2GYY 435 Rechel Samuel Gronem 23 Shevat 5700 1940
LYF3F 436 Esther Shraga Faivel 26 Nissan 5687 1927
PLNN5 437 Rachel Leah Landau, Yitzchok Isaac halevi Sobel Horowitz, Rafael 11 Adar 1 5689 1929
T7XDN 438 Rivka Yitzchok Aaron 24 Kislev 5690 1930
JSOGZ 439 Mirel Sofer, Efraim Fishel 3 Nissan 5680 1920
ZDTGV 440 Chaya Sarah Bierman, Simcha Yehuda 1 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5709 1949
YOHEP 441 Chasha Devorah F!m, Yeshaya Asher Bierman, Simcha Yehuda 18 Adar 5695 1935
6ZG5K 442 Etta Joseph 7 Adar 5694 1934
JFVBO 443 Shaindel Chaim 8 Cheshvon 5694 1934
I0WLE 444 Nicha Miriam Menachem hakohen 27 Tishrei 5695 1935
P8VH2 445 Sarah Shlomo Joseph 16 Iyar 5692 1932
5THND 446 Rachel Altman Arye halevi Usher Zelig Altman HaKohen 1 Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5693 1933
CSDHF 447 Yenta 5699 1939
V1LHO 448 Yehudis Yenta Schiff, Meir 10 Kislev 5700 1940
FLZKW 449 Gittel Mordechai 22 Adar 5694 1934
SHNNO 450 Esther Yechiel 1 Pesach 5693 1933
5V3M3 451 Frimet Joseph? 29 5698 1938
991GQ 452 Breindel Simcha 28 Av 5699 1939
2QAOJ 453 Sara Spira (nee Altman) Yehuda HaKohen. Leopold Altman/Fannie Altman (nee Weinberger) Spira, Yeshaya Tzvi 16 Sivan 5694 1934
2FIIC 454 Perel Shalom 8 Adar 5693 1933
J0LVL 455 Elka Rachel Yitzchok Meir 5 Tishrei 5694 1934
EVVQH 456 Mattel Moshe 8 Kislev 5697 1937
APY3M 457 Faiga Kendel Efraim Tzvi 24 Nissan 5696 1936
IQG2I 458 Sarah Elimelech 7 Shevat 5689 1929
3OBGQ 459 Sima Asher Lemel 28 Adar 2 5687 1927
X0R1C 460 Esther Moshe Elyakom Bruah 1 Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 5689 1929
PHMYH 461 Miriam Joshua Erev Shavuas 5689 1929
T9R7Z 462 Sprintza Mordechai David 27 Kislev 5690 1930
4BKQU 463 Chaya Shaindel Moshe Tzvi 2 Iyar 5692 1932
EV6NZ 464 Yitta Yitzchok 20 Tammuz 5692 1932
SIYY0 465 Ettel Moshe 10 Shevat 5693 1933
KIKXM 466 Miriam Mordechai David Beck, Eliezer 20 Shevat 5693 1933
PDXGG 467 Paya Riva Naftuli Tzvi 8 Cheshvon 5693 1933
Z974G 468 Bina Elyakom 27 Tammuz 5692 1932
HMZOF 469 Baila Yachet Israel 23 Cheshvon 5693 1933
HGNL0 470 Pessel Shaindel Efraim 24 Nissan 5694 1934
HG2D5 471 Raizel Israel Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5697 1937
73ZGP 472 Tovia halevi Moshe halevi 29 Nissan 5694 1934
OUH20 473 Abraham Shimshon 20 Teves 5694 1934
DPDAL 474 Jacob Naftuli Tzvi 26 Av 5695 1935
FR7ZL 475 Gittel Breindel Chaim David hakohen 24 Adar 5695 1935
XHQWK 476 Pessel Rivka Menachem Joseph Naftuli sg!l 9 Av 5682 1922
N3FCA 477 Fradel Yitzchok Arye halevi 0
AGJOR 478 Shaindel Abraham Aba 6 Shevat 5682 1922
0FLNG 479 Roiza Moshe Joseph Adar 1 0
A8R12 480 Devora Blima Nachum Pinchas 7 Tishrei 5682 1922
66N2Y 481 Toba Rachel Nathan Erev Rosh Hashana 5681 1921
N549S 482 Chana Shaindel Binyamin 27 Sivan 5681 1921
C71NW 483 Moshe 13 Iyar 5680 1920
QENCI 484 Mindel Hinda Manli Dov 13 Nissan 5680 1920
O2HL7 485 Gittel Samuel Zanvil David 9 Nissan 5680 1920
ADZRL 486 Fraida Yitzchok Naftuli hakohen 10 Cheshvon 5680 1920
CC6TZ 487 Tzipporah Arye Leibish 1 Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5679 1919
5YM7G 488 Baila Gittel Yitzchok Isaac 20 Adar 1 5679 1919
76TK3 489 Sarah 14 Shevat 0
X5XDC 490 Chana Shmaryahu 5679 1919
XVTVD 491 Shaindel Menashe Yechezkel Erev Yom Kippor 5679 1919
XLSQO 492 Baila Hena Joseph Asher 19 Elul 5678 1918
N5F2Z 493 Raizel Perel Kasriel 18 Tammuz 5678 1918
3CKGS 494 Chaya Chana Yeshaya Nathan 2 Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5678 1918
A3DNF 495 Devorah Posner, Yuda Leibish 18 Tishrei 5678 1918
5HDJR 496 Miriam Shaindel Mordechai Gimpel halevi 2 Iyar 5677 1917
90ITK 497 Sarah Zissel Moshe Jacob 25 Teves 5677 1917
JWFAD 498 Liba Alter Nathan Nata 18 Elul 5676 1916
NNPUZ 499 Sarah Chana Menachem 7 Teves 5677 1917
XCVK9 500 Miriam Yehuda Leib 2 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvon 567 -3193
*The information about graves that is posted on our website reflects the information that exists on the tombstones. Many of the tombstones have just first names and on some, unfortunately, the writing was completely erased before we started the renovation and documenting process. The purpose of the search engine is to make it easier for people searching for information about their ancestors, as previously one could only look at the photos one by one and try to see if any of their ancestors is buried there.


  • You may search any database field, using any portion of the information you know.  For example, if you only know that your descendant’s first name was “Jacob”, you may enter it into the “search” box, and select “Fullname” from the dropdown.  The search will then show you all records where “Jacob” is found within the name.
  • You may sort all records, or only those within your current search, by choosing one of the sort options and either “ascending” or “descending”.
  • To view an image of the Matzevah, visit the Matzevah Gallery and choose the correct section of Matzevah numbers from the navigation bar above the photos. Alternatively, you may enter the grave number, name, date or year in the search bar below. Press enter on your keyboard and the search will show all pages of the Matzevah gallery containing those search terms.
NOTE: This Database was formerly referred to as the Gravemarker Database and contains all the same information.

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